Internal Efficiency Of Public Senior Secondary Schools In Edo State


  • Dr. (Mrs.) F.E. Iwerebor Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Education, University of Benin
  • Mrs. M. E. Imarhiagbe Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Education, University of Benin


Internal efficiency, public senior secondary school, wastage rate


The study was out to ascertain the enrolment and promotion rates of Edo State public senior secondary schools as well as wastage rates and the extent to which the schools are internally efficient. The study, therefore, investigated the internal efficiency of public senior secondary schools in Edo State. Four (4) research questions were raised to guide the study. A descriptive research design was adopted. The population of the study comprised all forty-two thousand, four hundred and seventeen (42,417) S.S.S.1 cohorts of public senior secondary school students for the 2019/2020 academic session which equally formed the sample for the study using the census sampling technique. A checklist titled “School Enrolment Checklist” (SEC) was used to elicit data for the study. The research questions were answered using percentages and the crude-cohort wastage rate (C-CWR), input/output ratio. The results of the findings showed that public senior secondary schools in Edo state had a low wastage rate as the schools were moderately internally efficient with moderate enrolment and promotion rates. The study, therefore, recommended that the state government should further motivate teachers by intensifying their training such as seminars, workshops, and conferences among others to reduce wastage in the system.



How to Cite

Iwerebor, F. E., & Imarhiagbe, M. E. (2023). Internal Efficiency Of Public Senior Secondary Schools In Edo State. Benin Journal of Educational Studies, 28(1), 15–22. Retrieved from


