Unlocking University Undergraduates’ Potentials for Sustainable Development Through Entrepreneurship Education in the 21st Century Nigeria



Undergraduates Potential, Education, Sustainable Development, Entrepreneurship Education


In this paper, the importance of unlocking the potential of undergraduates in Nigerian universities for sustainable development was discussed. Skilled individuals with potential are those individuals who are greatly encouraged to pursue their dreams and are further provided with an enabling environment to develop their innate skills, their potential to succeed is actualized and the result is that their dreams can be realized.  [1]The Administrators are people in positions of authority, they are in charge of policy-making which includes activities that would aid the development of different skills of their students. Thus, university administrators are inadvertently in charge of the development of policies that can unlock the potential of their undergraduates to attain sustainable development. It was discussed in this paper that the major way this goal of unlocking undergraduate potential can be achieved is through the provision of entrepreneurship education. Problems that may hinder this lofty goal were discussed to include; inadequate funding, scanty supply of facilities, poor motivation, and insufficient supply of quality lecturers amongst others. In this paper, it was concluded that entrepreneurship education is a very necessary tool for unlocking undergraduate potential and that university administrators should make it a priority to provide quality entrepreneurship education for their students.  This paper provided plausible suggestions for the problems hindering the development of undergraduate potential including the provision of funds by the Federal government, encouraging partnerships with foreign counterparts, provision of facilities, and increased motivation among others



How to Cite

Ofor-Douglas, S. (2024). Unlocking University Undergraduates’ Potentials for Sustainable Development Through Entrepreneurship Education in the 21st Century Nigeria. Benin Journal of Educational Studies, 29(1 and 2), 112–124. Retrieved from http://beninjes.com/index.php/bjes/article/view/127