Survey of Teachers’ and Students’ Views on the Level of Implementation of Secondary School Physics Curriculum and Students’ Performance in Bauchi Education Zone, Bauchi State, Nigeria
Curriculum, Implementation, Performance and Physics.Abstract
This study investigated the Survey of Teachers’ and Students’ Views on the Level of Implementation of Secondary School Physics Curriculum and Students’ Performance in Bauchi Education Zone, Bauchi State, Nigeria. The study adopted a Descriptive Survey research design employing a random approach. Twenty Physics teachers were sampled with at least one Physics teacher and a student from each of the senior science secondary schools in the zone. Ten schools used for the study were selected from the twenty-three public schools within the Bauchi Education Zone of Bauchi State using random sampling techniques. The reliability of the instrument was computed using the Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient index. [1]The reliability was found to be an Inter-rater of a value of 0.76. The instrument was validated by three experts among these include: Dr. Joseph J. Mawak, Department of Measurement Evaluation, Prof. Isa Sa’idu and Dr. I. S. Usman, Department of Science and Technology Education, Faculty of Education University of Jos, Nigeria. The instrument for the study was a researcher-designed Level of Implementation of Physics Curriculum (LIPC) questionnaire which consisted of 95 items. Two research questions and Two research hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 alpha level. The hypotheses were tested using the Pearson Chi-Squared test, mean and Pearson Product Moment Correlation method. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 25 statistical tool was used to analyse the data. Findings from the study showed that: there was a significant relationship between teachers’ views on the level of implementation of Senior Secondary School Physics Curriculum and there were significant factors responsible for the implementation of Senior Secondary School Physics Curriculum. It was therefore recommended among others that Physics teachers with lower academic qualifications such as Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) and Higher National Diploma (HND) should embark on in-service study that can improve their teaching qualification. This study can be replicated further in a wider population of senior science secondary schools in Bauchi State and other parts of the country to factors that influenced the level of curriculum implementation and students’ performance in senior secondary school Physics