Peer Review Statement

The International Journal of Contemporary Social Science Education (IJCSSE) operates with a single-blind peer review process to uphold the quality and integrity of the scholarly research we publish. This approach is designed to ensure a fair and constructive evaluation of all submitted manuscripts.

Review Process:Upon submission, each manuscript will undergo an initial editorial screening to determine its compliance with the journal’s submission guidelines. Manuscripts that meet these criteria will then be sent for peer review.

    • Single-Blind Review:In our single-blind peer review process, the identities of the reviewers are kept confidential from the authors. However, authors’ identities are known to the reviewers. This approach allows reviewers to provide unbiased and honest feedback based on their expertise, while maintaining the anonymity of the reviewers.

    • Selection of Reviewers:eviewers are selected based on their expertise in the relevant fields of social science education. The editorial team strives to match each manuscript with qualified reviewers who can provide thorough and insightful critiques.

    • Evaluation Criteria:Reviewers will assess manuscripts based on criteria including originality, relevance, methodological rigor, clarity of writing, and potential contributions to the field of social science education.

    • Feedback and Recommendations:Reviewers are encouraged to provide detailed feedback to assist authors in improving their manuscripts. This feedback will be included in the communication to authors following the review process.

    • Editorial Decision:After the peer review is complete, the editorial board will make a decision regarding the manuscript, which may include acceptance, requests for revisions, or rejection. Authors will receive the reviewers' comments to facilitate any necessary revisions.

    • Confidentiality: All submissions and peer reviews are treated as confidential. The identities of the reviewers and the content of their evaluations are protected to maintain the integrity of the review process.

By implementing a single-blind peer review system, IJCSSE ensures a rigorous and respectful evaluation process that promotes the publication of high-quality research in contemporary social science education. For further details about our peer review process or submission guidelines, please visit our website or contact our editorial office