Benin Journal of Educational Studies accepts articles of theoretical and empirical nature from the entire spectrum of the academic community within and outside Nigeria. However, emphasis is on issues and problems that are contemporary and of relevance to educational theory and practice.
Manuscripts for publication are accepted throughout the year. Manuscripts should generally not exceed 8 to 10 type-written pages and should be only on one side of the A4-sized paper. Each article must be accompanied by an abstract of 100-150 words. The abstract should be on a separate page prefacing the main article. Footnotes are not allowed except where they are inevitable in the explanation of a point in the text. Tables and figures should be kept to the barest minimum and should be well arranged and appropriately numbered (Table 1 or Figure 1) and titled so as to leave no doubt as to where they should appear in the article.
Reference in the body of the text should be made by citing the author’s surname, publication year and page (e.g. Ojeme, 2009:227). The full citation should then be listed under References which should be arranged in alphabetical order according to the names of the authors; the current APA format should be adopted for the article.
Quotations that exceed three typed lines should be extracted, indented and typed single-spaced. Shorter quotations should be enclosed in single inverted commas. Author’s name, address, e-mail address, telephone numbers and short biographical note should be typed on a separate sheet of paper detachable from the manuscript.
All articles and requests for further information should be forwarded to:
The Editor-in-Chief
Benin Journal of Educational Studies (BJES)
C/o Office of the Director
Institute of Education
University of Benin
P.M.B. 1154
Benin City
Edo State